
Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

WDS offers many opportunities to sponsor programs and items at our school.

赞助“学习日”是纪念所爱之人(或亲人)的好方法ahrzeit); celebrate a family milestone; add merit for a refuah shelema; or acknowledge any other special occasion.  一封宣布学习日的电子邮件将与整个白龙会家族共享,以帮助纪念这一时刻, and the sponsorship is acknowledged in Middle School davening.  Sponsorship for Day of Learning is $180.

Westchester Day School is privileged to call your grandchildren our students. We share an enduring love and dedication to them- to their educational growth, 让他们成长为具有强烈价值观和责任感的人 Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and the world around them. Help us continue to overflow every day of your life with nachas. Join the Westchester Day School Grandparents Circle, or as we call it, the Nachas Circle. 

Laurie Lebowitz Learning to Look Fund
劳瑞·勒博维茨学习看世界基金是为了纪念劳瑞·勒博维茨而设立的, z"l,  a devoted parent volunteer who served as Chairperson from 2006 -2014. 劳瑞相信将艺术教育融入课堂的力量. 劳里对“学会看”项目的热情和承诺为威彻斯特走读学校的学生和家长带来了丰富. 我们希望你能考虑送一份礼物来纪念劳丽和“学会看”计划.

在我们的生命之树上奉献一片叶子或一根树枝,让威彻斯特走读学校成为您家庭生命周期活动的一部分. Commemorate a birth, bar/bat mitzvah, graduation, and marriage, anniversary, passing of a relative, or other meaningful milestones by engraving your name, 将事件和日期写在一片叶子上,这片叶子将被添加到城堡里的生命之树上.

Names, Not Numbers
这个项目是一个大屠杀教育项目,由托娃·菲什-罗森伯格(Tova Fish-Rosenberg)开发,由白龙会. Jill Rivel. Every year, 而不仅仅是在传统的课堂环境中学习大屠杀, the Names, Not Numbers课程允许八年级学生参与独特的多学科学习体验,结合研究, video production, and one-on-one interviews to preserve history in an original documentary film. Throughout the project, students work with professional journalists, Holocaust scholars, and filmmakers, 他们有独特的(转瞬即逝的)机会直接从经历过大屠杀的人那里了解大屠杀, thus strengthening the personal and emotional connection m’dor l’dor, and preserving the survivors’ stories for future generations.

Middle School Minyan Breakfast

Celebrate a milestone, such as Hanachat Tefillin or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah with the Middle School minyan! 赞助一顿清淡的早餐,包括果汁、松饼、水果沙拉和饼干.  The cost of the minyan breakfast is $136. Please submit form with at least 72 hours notice.


Ruach Lifnei Shabbat, or ReLiSH, is a weekly Oneg Shabbat introduced to Middle School this year. It is held during lunch with cholent, kugel, singing, and Torah. 虽然这是一个选修课程,但我们很高兴看到这么多学生加入! 你的赞助真的很有影响力,帮助抵消了食物的成本,并带来了额外的层次 Heimish ruach - setting the right vibe for our students going into Shabbat. 建议为学生的成绩提供100美元的赞助,或者为整个中学提供300美元.

Dinner, Learning, Kumzitz - is there anything better to nourish our souls? THIS is Middle School Mishmar. We meet every other week, and we extend our hospitality to parents, grandparents, alumni siblings, and special guests to join us once a month for Family Mishmar.  你的赞助真的很有影响力,帮助抵消了食物的成本,并带来了额外的层次 Heimish ruach to our week. Suggested sponsorship is $360 for weekly Mishmar, $500 for Family Mishmar.

Faculty Breakfast
为白龙会教职员赞助犹太斋戒日早餐是一种很好的方式来展示“哈卡拉哈托夫”, and is greatly appreciated by all of our nurturing and dedicated educators. 

Shelley Lippman, a dedicated WDS science teacher for over 40 years was a passionate, 热情的个人给整个白龙会社区留下了持久的印象. Mrs. 李普曼在几代学生中培养了好奇心和对科学和创新的热爱. Her legacy at WDS lives on through the science program. 你给谢莉·李普曼科学与创新基金的捐款将使科学实验室受益, ongoing technology updates, and most importantly the STEM Curriculum (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
For decades, 我们学校一直致力于通过为所有有需要的家庭提供学费援助,确保没有学生因为缺乏welcome皇冠地址而被拒绝威彻斯特走读学校的教育. With a one-for-one match provided by a generous community leader, 当你向一年一度的Shavuot奖学金活动捐款时,你的影响力就会翻倍. Your impact on a child is immeasurable. 

The Alexander Benjamin Eiseman Library Fund
亚历山大·本杰明·艾斯曼图书馆基金成立于25年前,是为了纪念罗宾和乔纳森·艾斯曼的儿子, Alexander Benjamin, or Chanoch. In Hebrew, Chanoch means “to educate,艾斯曼夫妇认为,这一理想对犹太社区的延续至关重要. Over the years, this fund has been used to acquire a first class collection of over 6,000 secular books, computers, software, and furniture for the library. 通过支持亚历山大·本杰明·艾斯曼图书馆基金,您将使图书馆能够继续扩大其犹太和世俗的产品,以适应一流的21世纪, modern learning environment. 请帮助我们确保图书馆一如既往的珍贵. 

Dr. Harlan Daman Fund
The Dr. Harlan Daman Fund was established 10 years ago in memory of Dr. Harlan Daman who graduated from WDS in 1955. 哈兰的两个兄弟以及他的孩子吉拉(1999年出生)和阿维(2001年出生)都是该校的校友. Harlan was committed to a life of learning and of supporting his community. The Dr. Harlan Daman Fund was created to perpetuate these noble acts in his memory.

Find Us

856 Orienta Avenue
Mamaroneck, NY 10543

Who We Are

威彻斯特走读学校是一所现代正统,男女同校,双课程,幼儿到8岁th 这是一所犹太学校,以他们自己的方式激励和教育我们的学生重视人性, mitzvot, and lifelong learning.
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